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Non-Invasive Body Contouring Basics

Non-Invasive Body Contouring Basics

If you’ve ever struggled with stubborn areas of fat or have been unhappy with your shape due to excess skin, non-surgical body contouring may be the answer you’ve been looking for. At Lunation Aesthetics, we offer PHYSIQ – a revolutionary, non-invasive technology that can target and reduce unwanted fat and tighten skin imperfections.

Non-surgical body contouring has become increasingly popular as people look for ways to improve their bodies without the risks and downtime associated with surgery. PHYSIQ utilizes advanced radio frequency energy to reduce fat cells while simultaneously boosting collagen production and improving overall skin tone. During treatment, the PHYSIQ device is passed over the affected areas, allowing the radio frequency energy to penetrate deeply into tissue layers to achieve the desired results. The procedure is safe and comfortable and requires no downtime.

Ideal non-surgical body contouring candidates include those in good health and pockets of stubborn fat or loose skin that cannot be addressed with diet or exercise. Though it is not a substitute for weight loss, PHYSIQ may provide additional contouring benefits for patients who have already achieved their desired body shape but still need to address some residual problem areas. The most common treatment areas for non-surgical body contouring are the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and back, such as the love handles and bra line.

At Lunation Aesthetics, we prioritize patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction, which is why we use only the most effective products and treatments in our practice. With PHYSIQ, we can help many patients achieve their aesthetic goals without undergoing a surgical procedure; it is an outstanding option for those who want minimal downtime but maximum results.

Results from treatment will vary from individual to individual based on factors such as age, lifestyle habits, nutrition, and other health-related issues; however, most patients can expect noticeable improvements soon after beginning treatment. The best results can be seen after 3-9 treatment sessions depending on your current shape and desired treatment area(s). You can expect several different results from non-invasive body contouring, including smoother skin, reduced fat cells, localized dimples, and improved body shape. For the best results from non-invasive body contouring, we advise a healthy diet and exercise plan to maintain your desired results.

If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to improve your body, PHYSIQ at Lunation Aesthetics is the solution you need. Contact us today to see if this revolutionary technology is right for you.  We look forward to helping you reach your aesthetic goals in a safe and comfortable environment!

Ready to take charge of your body and get started on your transformation? Contact us at Lunation Aesthetics for more information about PHYSIQ non-surgical body contouring!